08 juli 2010

Hør på denne- nyyyydelig sang


The Flood Lyrics

Broken people get recycled

And I hope that I will sometimes be thrown off the pathways

What I thought was my way home

Wasn't the place I know

No, I'm not afraid of changing,

Certain, nothing's certain

What we own becomes our prison

My possessions will be gone

Back to where they came from


No one is to blame

As natural as the rain that falls

Here comes the Flood again

See the rock that you hold onto

Is it gonna save you

When the earth begins to crumble?

Why'd you feel you have to hold on?

Imagine if you let go



No one is to blame

As natural as the rain that falls

Here comes the Flood again

Flush away the weight that pulls you down

Light the ways that freed from the dust

(Flush away the weight that pulls you down)

Don't trust your eyes

It's easy to believe them

Know in your heart

That you can leave a prison

(Light the ways that free from the dusk)

Don't trust your mind

Its not always listening

Turn on the lights

And feel the ancient rhythm

Don't trust your eyes

It's easy to believe them (no one is to blame)

Know in your heart (as natural as the rain)

That you can leave your prison (here comes the Flood again)


No one is to blame

As natural as the rain that falls

Here comes the Flood again

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Kjære søs.. Takk for samtalen vår i stad. Det er godt å høre stemmen din. I dag har du en god dag det var veldig godt å høre. Jeg skjønner at det går opp og ned men jeg kan nok aldri klare å sette meg inn i hvordan du egentlig føler det. Skulle nesten ønske det. Kanskje jeg kunne hjulpet deg på en annen måte..? Skulle virkelig ønske at jeg kunne ta smerten fra deg,eller ihvertfall dele på den (er jo søsteren din tross alt)... gjennom tykt og tynt..gode og onde dager.. Derfor føler jeg meg nok litt utilstrekkelig. Ja det er sykt at noen skal få alt.. Jeg vet ikke hvilken allmektighet som gjør dette.. Eller om det rett og slett bare er det vi kaller livet.. Love you always

ole jonny sa...

Håper dagen gikk noenlunde smertefritt unna, og at plagene i morgen ikke blir for ille.....

og syng gjerne med....

ole j


Håper du har kommet deg greit gjennom dagen kjære Linda.
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